Make a cup of coffee you can be proud of - Xero Coffee

Make a cup of coffee you can be proud of

Creating a great cup of French press coffee is both an art and a science. First selecting a high-quality, freshly ground coffee with a course grind to ensure optimal extraction and prevent grounds slipping through the press filter. Heat water to just below boiling (200°F), this helps to avoid burning the coffee and causing a bitter taste. Add coffee grounds to the French press, and pour the water over them, I find that 1/2 cup of coffee grounds to 4 cups of water is the right ratio for our coffee. Place the top on and slightly press plunger down just enough to keep grounds submerged, allow to steep for at least 5 mins - this allows for a full-bodied and rich extraction. Then press the plunger down slow and steady compressing the grounds to the bottom. Pour and enjoy the robust, deep flavored coffee that makes the French press a true classic. Remember, the key to great French press coffee is in having a high-quality coffee, the right water temperature and a precise steeping time.
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