Cuban Coffee (Café Cubano): The Sweet Strength in a Cup - Xero Coffee

Cuban Coffee (Café Cubano): The Sweet Strength in a Cup

Cuban Coffee (Café Cubano): The Sweet Strength in a Cup

Coffee has journeyed through countries and cultures, picking up unique twists and flavors along the way. One such stop on this global expedition is the sunny shores of Cuba. Here, coffee isn't just a beverage; it's a ritual, a moment of pause in a bustling day. Let’s dive into the world of Café Cubano and learn how to craft this sweet delight using a Moka pot.


  • Ground coffee (preferably dark roast for an authentic taste)
  • Water
  • Sugar (traditionally, raw cane sugar known as “azúcar prieta” is used)

The Café Cubano Magic: The essence of a Cuban coffee lies not just in its strong brew, but in its unique preparation. Unlike other coffees where sugar is added to the cup, for Café Cubano, sugar is introduced during the brewing process.

  1. Fill the bottom chamber of your Moka pot with water.
  2. Add ground coffee to the filter basket. Ensure it's evenly spread but not pressed down.
  3. Before screwing the top chamber, add sugar to the coffee collector (the part where brewed coffee emerges).
  4. Place the Moka pot on medium heat. As the water heats up and passes through the coffee grounds, it will merge with the sugar, creating a rich, sweet, and frothy layer known as "espuma" or "crema".
  5. Once brewed, give it a quick stir to ensure the sugar is well-dissolved.

A Toast to Tradition: Cuban coffee is more than its ingredients. It's about connection and community. Traditionally, it’s served in small, espresso-sized cups, often shared among friends and family. The strong brew combined with the sweetness offers a quick jolt of energy, making it a beloved morning or afternoon pick-me-up.

So, the next time you're craving a change from your usual coffee routine, let the vibrant spirit of Cuba inspire you. With your Moka pot in hand, you're just moments away from a sweet and robust Café Cubano experience. ¡Salud!

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